Personal Injury Lawyers, Gilbert, AZ

Were You Injured in a Jackknife Crash in Arizona?

Get an attorney who isn’t afraid to fight

Jackknife accidents are very common on highways. These truck accidents can have devastating consequences and leave victims with serious injuries. If a negligent driver or trucking company caused the collision that left you injured, you deserve financial compensation. But the legal process can be complicated.

That’s why you need an experienced Arizona truck accident lawyer who is ready to fight for you. If you were hurt in Gilbert or anywhere in Maricopa County, attorney Byron Browne of Browne Law Group can help. He understands how injuries can affect you and your family and is committed to recovering maximum compensation.

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Understanding jackknife accidents

A jackknife accident can happen on the Loop 202, I-10, State Route 87, and other highways in the state. It happens when the driver of a tractor-trailer loses control of the truck. The wheels lock up. The trailer and cab fold in on each other. This forms a “V” shape that looks like a partly open jackknife blade. The tractor-trailer can then crash into everything in its path before coming to a complete stop.

What causes jackknife accidents? They are often caused by negligence. Examples include:

  • The driver was speeding.
  • The driver was inexperienced and hit the brakes too hard.
  • The truck driver was following another vehicle too closely.
  • A driver was distracted and acted suddenly to try to avoid a crash.
  • The trucking company failed to properly maintain the truck.
  • The truck’s brakes were defective.

Tractor-trailers are very large and very heavy, so a jackknife accident can cause a lot of damage and leave victims with very serious injuries. These include traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries, broken bones, damage to internal organs, and other injuries to the head, neck, or back.

Recovery from these injuries can take months or even years. Some people are left with a permanent disability. Medical expenses add up fast. If you were hurt in a jackknife accident, you may not be able to work and aren’t sure how you’ll pay your bills. You’re in pain and are now also experiencing financial stress.

The insurance companies fight hard to reduce compensation for jackknife accidents

Recovering financial compensation after a jackknife accident can be very difficult. For one thing, negligent drivers, trucking companies, or manufacturers may deny that they did anything wrong. They may refuse to accept any responsibility for what happened.

The insurance companies will fight your claim, because they know there can be a lot of money at stake. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible. And they will try many different tactics to try to do that. One example is questioning the seriousness of your injuries. Another is to seek access to your medical history to try to argue your injuries were pre-existing. They may even try to argue that the accident was partially your fault. Under Arizona’s comparative negligence system, that could result in reduced compensation.

But many times, they’ll simply offer you a settlement after your accident. That doesn’t sound bad. Your medical expenses are adding up. You’re getting frustrated with the whole process and just want to move on. But here’s the problem – their offer will fall far short of covering all of your damages. Byron Browne thinks you deserve better.

We’re committed to getting the best results possible

When insurance companies fight your claim, attorney Byron Browne will fight back. He knows all of the tactics insurance companies use to minimize your claim, and he does not tolerate them. He builds strong cases that have to be taken seriously.

Our legal team investigates your truck accident to get the facts. This involves gathering evidence, including information controlled by the trucking companies. Examples include maintenance records, employment records, hours of service (HOS) logs, and information from the truck’s event data recorder (EDR). We’ll also look for any video of the crash taken by traffic cameras.

In addition, we carefully review accident reports, medical records, and other documentation. We interview witnesses. If needed, we consult accident reconstruction experts who can help us understand how the truck jackknifed.

Schedule a free consultation with a jackknife accident lawyer

Attorney Browne will take a tough stance in settlement negotiations and fight for maximum compensation. This includes compensation for all current and future medical expenses related to your injuries, lost wages if you couldn’t work, and other damages such as pain and suffering. We know what you’re going through. We’ve got your back.

If you were hurt in a jackknife accident in Gilbert or anywhere in Maricopa County, contact us to schedule a free consultation. Byron Browne can review your case, go over your legal options, and answer any questions you have. There’s no cost and no obligation.

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